Information Guerilla

Useless Gobshites


Useless Gobshites 231110
USELESS GOBSHITES Irish Daily Star 231110 (better because we’re Irish)

As mentioned in yesterday’s bumper special, Ireland is going the way of, well everywhere. See the march in Palermo against the misnomer mantra that is ‘Education reform’.

The violence and instability Ireland has witnessed means a little protest and march are pretty much tradition; a chance for family and friends to regroup and reminisce about the not so good ol’ days.

Austerity in Ireland

Not that i know enough about Ireland’s history. I just try to be funny.

I am a big fan of their head/taglines mind!

You have lied

'You have Lied' Sunday Independent Ireland 21110

Simple and to the point. Though i find ‘FUCK OFF, before we fuck you off’, works equally effectively, has a hint of barbarism and the ability to bamboozle

These are so 3 days ago, so in order to get up to speed, and because i have been released for  the evening, below you’ll find a myriad of links to get your blood boiling and you hands itching to sharpen things.

– The London Met would love to discuss party planning

– if you don’t do as you are told, they will take your photo and wecord all your naughty

chanting. Aka exercising freedom of speech. Do you think they hire the smuggiest looking

ones on purpose?

– Murdoch’s race to own the Skies continues, but a blogger for SKYsnooze speaks up about

the “oh did we leave the van in the middle of the protest” BAIT OR BALLS

–  the PoPo have begun refusing entry to Macdonalds for no particular reason.

But thankfully If you are street wise enough to realise they are, just the PoPo.

Nothing else. Not the wardens of the peace, just ask the victims

mothers , then you are on the right track.

See tubby Plod below boast about tw4tting a child. I can bet he rewarded his

behaviour with a family bucket of greased chicken bollocks, extra coleslaw,

and a celebratory crank. (Ohh, that’s what the neuron blocking grease and lemon wipes are

for!) Notice the female of the species thinks it’s hilarious!

and more on the police ‘tactics’. Excellent IndyMedia article.

So, to recap if i decide to thwack someone, anyone, it’s ok so long as it’s filed under

‘tactics’? …

or for the majority of uneducated plods’tictacs’.


that’s it for now. my names been called.

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